
Join a movement to change healthcare

As a physician, an insurance executive, a thought leader, and especially as a patient, I’ve experienced how frustrating healthcare can be at times, and I know I’m not alone. During my career, I’ve helped improve healthcare systems by bringing different sides together, finding the right incentives and changing how care is delivered. That’s why I started The Groves Connection: a movement to change healthcare to one that’s more sustainable, inclusive, and beneficial for all.

On The Groves Connection podcast, the flagship of this movement, I speak with insightful people from across the industry and learn about the challenges and opportunities they see to improve healthcare. I truly believe these dialogues can open minds to new possibilities and identify the gridlock preventing change. Join me, join the movement, and let’s see what we can accomplish together:

Dream with me.

Currently, I’m thinking about:


It can allow people to have better access to care, improve rural communities, and alleviate poverty related illness. But it can also be one series of frustrating technology hurdles after another. My TeleICU and telemedicine experience has helped me realize the differences between programs that save lives and programs that drive up costs.



I love the dreamers. The risk-takers. The visionaries. Technology should facilitate better patient care. I’ve had the privilege of working at the intersection of patient care, payment, and education. My passion revolves around understanding what healthcare needs and connecting with innovators who can drive this vital change.


Consensus Model

I’ve started numerous programs and pilots in healthcare, where there are many moving parts – and many systemic obstacles. Obtaining consensus can make or break your programs and your corporation.


Work with me.

I believe the power to change healthcare comes from collaboration. I advise a variety of healthcare companies, including Microsoft, and am an international lecturer at conferences and continuing education programs. My expertise on TeleICU and collaborative models is available to healthcare delivery groups, educational institutions, insurance companies, and patients.

Please reach out if you believe my expertise and experience could benefit your organization, whether through speaking opportunities, board and advisory duty, or collaboration. I would welcome the chance to grow the network of people dedicated to moving healthcare forward.

Disclaimer: This is the personal site of Robert Groves, MD, and the materials included on this site and in The Groves Connection remain separate from his employer. The Groves Connection is not liable for personal opinions shared by podcast guests.